Monday, May 18, 2009

Interconnectedness and Music (part 2)

This is an extraordinary excerpt from the following website


When we resonate, it can also be viewed as "musical notes" that represents a mode of vibration, a distinct resonance or particle. Michio Kaku a physicist and author of "Hyperspace" states, "Matter is nothing but the harmonies created by this vibrating string..The laws of physics can be compared to the laws of harmony allowed on the string. The universe itself, composed of countless vibrating strings, would then be comparable to the a symphony." "The energy of the heart, right down to our DNA is musical and rhythmic in nature. Geneticist, Susumu Ohno at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope in Duarte, CA, has translated the 4 nucleotides on the strands of DNA. When performed, listeners compared it to Bach, Brahms and Chopin. Listeners were moved to tears." "The universe consists solely of waves of motion...There exists nothing other than vibration." relates Walter Russell in "A New Concept of the Universe".

In vibratory physics, the principles that make sound into harmonious music are the same principles that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe - and that includes everything that there is.

Vibrations are dynamic things not unlike "living" things since they are in a mutual state of "harmony". When sound harmonics form direct harmonic relations the two vibrating sounds and their chords of vibration are said to be sympathetic to each other. In other words, resonance - like attracts like. This combined frequency dictates that what happens to one vibratorily happens to the other simultaneously in varying degrees of harmony or dissonance.

This is the Law of Cycles as presented by John W. Keely's "Law of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics". "Music is formless and is therefore the perfect expression of the formless."Innayat Khan Musical notes or sounds can be converted numerically as in the example in the previous section regarding the Fibonacci numbers found in nature. According to mathematics principles, a series of vibrations will multiply many times its own pitch, thus increasing harmonically all those that are near. This is the Law of Harmonic Pitch. This multiplication of frequency and amplitudes is thought of in relation to the Ascension process. All things are energy, thus our "energy bodies" are becoming more attuned, reaching a higher vibrational rate, to the dynamic energetic force of the Universe.

Extending and expanding vibrational rates happens in nature and we are merely a part of nature, so we should too, in theory, be capable of "ascension" as dense physical material beings. Sound: "He made the whole world an instrument of sound, and an instrument for carrying messages, resounding praise to the Creator of all.

Frank Waters - The Book of the Hopi , There is something called the Sacred Sound Current which correlates to the spiritual Hindu "OM" and the Sufi "HU", and the Sant Mat "Shabd". This Music of the Spheres, Logos or Word as called in mystical teachings, goes beyond our limited spoken language. Such ethereal music is referred to also as the Sound of God or the Breath of God since the sound permeates all things. And as we know, all things are composed of energy.

This all pervading sound in the current of the Ocean of Consciousness is believed to be the connecting link between God and man. The divine currents are always playing a symphony of ethereal music, however, it does not become audible until we have progressed spiritually enough to hear with the inner ear. Additionally, many mystics, ancient and modern, have reported seeing various colors with the inner eye(s) while in meditation.

As physics deems, all is in a vibrational state, and thus can be converted into mathematical renditions, musical notes and color frequencies. Shabd is believed to be the pinnacle point of all the powers of nature in which, according to scriptures, is the method in which God creates. "I dwell in undefiled Light and a Thought revealed itself perceptibly through the great Sound...And it is a Word by virtue of the Sound; it was sent to illumine those who dwell in darkness...I am a Light that illuminates the All. I am the Light..."

Trimorphic Protennoia - Nag Hammadi Light and Sound is also viewed as synonymous with each other in the ancient scriptures. This has been mentioned in various contexts within this site as well. They are Interconnected and part of the Whole within the wave/particle duality. We can parallel the holographic universe concept with what Philo of Alexandria's wrote circa 40 CE, "The whole creation, this entire world perceived by our senses is a copy of the Divine Image...But the shadow of God is his Word which he used like an instrument when he was making the world. And this shadow, and, as it were, model, is the archetype of other things.."

We can also note the similarity to Carl Jung's archetypes within the collective unconscious. "The musician is very close to mysticism, far closer than the philosopher...because music is meaningful without any words; it is meaningful simply because it rings some bells in your heart..creates a synchronicity between you and itself, when your heart starts resonating in the same way, when you start pulsating in the same way."

Osho, Philosophia Ultima Frequency: There are known quantitative frequencies that have been measured that illustrate the body and energy connections with comparative measurements to the world around us:note:^ = means to the power of 10^-8, 10 the minus 8 power
Gamma Rays
10^18 to 10^26hz
X rays
10^16 to 10^20hz
Ultraviolet Light (UV)
10^15 to 10^17hz
Visible Light
10^4.7 to 10^15hz
Infrared Rays
10^11 to 10^4.7hz
Radar Waves
10^9.5 to 10^11.5hz
10^8 to 10^9.5hz
Television Waves
10^6 to 10^8hz
Radio Waves
10^1to 10^6.5hz
Elf Waves
10^1hzEarths Ionosphere Cavity Resonance - Schuman Field ranges from 1 Hz to 30 Hz - Radiation Spectrum
20,000 Hz
20,000 Hz - 100-kHz - 10 MHz
150KHz-1.5 MHz
High Radio Frequency RF
1.5MHz-40 MHz
Very High Radio Frequency VHF
Ultrahigh Radio Frequency UH
over 100MHz
8-13 cycles/sec - relaxed alert
14-30 -intense mental concentration, agitation
4-7 Hypnogogic
5-3.5 Sleeping
Human Tolerances to sinusodal vibration
Head Pain
Impaired Speech
Jaw Pain
Chest Pain
Abdominal Pain
4.5 - 10 Hz
Human Body Cell
1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz
Upper Limit of Human Hearing
15,000 Hz
Molds, viruses, bacteria, worms, mites range from 77 KHz to 900KHz
640KHz - 850KHz
1000 to 1200KHz
900 to 1500Khz
1000 to 6000KHz
1500 to 8000Khz

"Biological systems are influenced by the terrestrial electrical environment. This environment includes electric fields, magnetic fields, field modulations, and aerion(positive and negative) concentrations, and biological waves. Nature ordains harmonious variations of these factors. The human organism exhibits revealing electrical characteristics.Electromagnetic brain waves (0.1 to 30hz) occur at frequencies paralleling those of terrestrial sferics and the Schuman resonance. Decision making abilities are subordinate to alpha, beta, gamma(.01-5hz), theta(4 - 7hz), and delta(0.1-4hz) brain rhythms with their related states of consciousness."

Symposium on Biological Effects and Measurement of Biofrequency/Microwaves, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, FDA - Critical Aspects of Human Versus Terrestrial Electromagnetic Symbiosis, E. Stanton Maxey, M.D. , 1977

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