Monday, June 8, 2009

The Power of Creation 1

Evolving into my Mastery of Self in Service, I am coming across more and more like minded people. It seems like a silent (r)evolution of Beings and their higher purpose bridging over the currents of fear, terror, depression, stagnation, denial and hopelessness. Bridging between imagination, belief and our reality. "Enough is enough "is be one of the many building blocks,
"it's time for change" another one.

As Gregg Braden and many others have stated: new discoveries suggest that our world is the mirror of our beliefs. We are currently limited by our beliefs. And what we once believed is about to change!

What is called for now is the POWER OF CREATION, of creativity, of understanding that everything in our world is connected to everything else.

"The ancient mystics like Rumi reminded our hearts, and modern experiments have proven to our minds, that the single most powerful force in the universe lives within each of us.
And that is the great secret of creation itself:
the power to create in the world what we imagine in our beliefs.
it may sound too simple to be true,
I believe that the universe works precisely this way."
Gregg Bradden in The Divine Matrix.

We ARE NOT separate and we ARE NOT stuck. On the contrary! We might believe it. Yet - the truth is that we have CHOICES. We can choose to let go of limiting fears and step into the fullness of possibilities. And somehow we do already have a sense that we have more to offer then what we have brought to the table so far... Isn't it true?! Just think for a moment about these brilliant ideas you had... Where did they go?

Applying the knowing of having choices and being creative to our living and working spaces - WOW, I cannot even imagine the outcome...
Instead of limiting ourselves to rights or wrongs, to should bes and have to bes, we cross over to the league of the free spirits giving imagination a fair chance.

This all can happen in baby steps. No sweat. It also can be a huge leap into the unknown..
Just take the evolution in architecture!

In 2007 Chris Davies stated that "current fashion in architecture seems split between designing buildings that stand out in their surroundings and make a statement, and buildings that blend into the environment and whose statement is more about living harmoniously with what was already there. The problem with the latter, perhaps, is that in preserving the location you sometimes have to compromise the design of your construction. As technology and building materials advance, however, innovative ways to maximise living space and have a home in-keeping with nature are becoming more accessible and imaginative."

This forest home designed by 24H architecture sits happily within its natural setting, and yet its occupants aren’t denied the space or light by compromise. The end section extends out, revealing a bank of windows and giving more internal room. It’s a beautiful and clever idea, and the choice of materials give it an art-like quality as well as making it renewable.

I can imagine myself sitting in this inspiring place!

Want to know more? There’s a video of it in action over at their site:

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