IMAGINE - creating GRACE at your own place, whether at your home or your workplace... Not so far fetched!
Not only a spiritual term - also from the perspective of a consultant for home upgrading, "GRACE" is the basic energy, which inspires personal growth, development and improvement. It is the driving force for creativity! Oh yes.
"GRACE" is in Greek charis (χαρις), which means "that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness".
15 years ago, when studying Interior Design, I had no idea, that I would come to this conclusion. But today, after adding more modalities like Metaphysical Science and various forms of Alternative Healing, including Aura Soma (color healing) and Hakomi (mindfulness experiential psychotherapy), there is no doubt.
Once we have created a place of joy, nurturing our personal needs, our homes or workplaces are becoming an important part of us, of our well being. Not a separate entity. OK. It this approach isn't new. This is how it was meant to be early on in human evolution...
Yet in my view, today it needs a new focus in the job description of an Interior Designer or Decorator. Creating Sanctuary is key. Uplifting the energies and personalizing spaces is priority.
Our job is not about throw cushions and colors. It is about the expression of our soul in order to plug into uplift us, support us in our personal evolution.
Not complicated at all.
Just a different perspective.
A playful dance of co-creation!
Welcome to my blog.
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