Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time has its own dynamics.
Yesterday was Easter Sunday - or wasn't it? Have I really lived through three days since then and don't even feel it? There is a discussion around "time" since many (if not thousands) of years, and I couldn't help to: google it!

Here is what I found with the search: "What is time?"

Especially the article from the Stanford Enzyclopedia of Philosophie ( has enough information to ponder for quite a while, never knowing if I will get the concept at the end... If it is so, that "..Aristotle and others (including, especially, Leibniz) have argued that time does not exist independently of the events that occur in time..." then I wonder why I do not feel that time has passed for at least 72 hours?? Wasn't it filled with meetings, trips and work? Was I so absend minded? Or rather only sporadically mindful?

I can't answer this right now... Tough it gives me food for thought!

Here is another sight with more "fashionable" views in case I inspired you...

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