Monday, May 18, 2009

Interconnectedness and Architecture

The Discovery of the Inner Sanctuary and the Creation of an Outer Sanctuary is my work. I truly holistic work. It all starts in nature itself. In what IS already. Michelangelo reinforced the idea of bodily proportions. He called architects "figural artists" because of the way that the symmetry and apertures of buildings imitate the form and proportions of the human body.
The concept of architecture has been around since the first building was erected and its practice one of man's most universal and elementary activities. The prefix, archi-, in fact, signifies earlier, or primitive. The actual term architecture (or its Latin counterpart) first appeared in Vitruvius' "De Architectura" in the first century BCE. The Oxford English Dictionary defines architecture as "1) The art or science of building or constructing edifices of any kind for human use" or more artistically speaking, "4) The special method of 'style' in accordance with which the details of the structure and ornamentation of a building are arranged." When Vitruvius first posited the concept of architecture in writing, he did so by outlining the three essential elements of architecture which are still known and used today: firmitas (structural soundness), utilitas (function), and venustas (beauty). Clearly, there is a general distinction made between the use value and the aesthetic values of architecture. (
According to Marshall McLuhan in "Understanding Media", the "translation into new dwelling spaces occurs only when men have learned to practice specialization of their senses, and fragmentation of their work skills." This provides an explanation of what prompts an individual to move from a round to a square house. As in McLuhan's example, "the square room or house speaks the language of the sedentary specialist, while the round hut or igloo, like the comical wigwam, tells of the integral nomadic ways of food gathering communities." Thus we see how building and structure work as a medium for a community's specific persona, as well as a reflection of individual or community identity.
Since I am not trained as an architect (missed that education unfortunately), my studies in Art History and Design, and later Metaphysical Science gave me enough inspiration to combine all knowledge into my own hands-on business of co-creating safe and nurturing spaces. A "Spiral Dance" into a new Being. Mankind is in transition - no doubt. Mankind needs new resources and safety for The Process. That's basic need. This is my inspiration and fascination. My purpose.
Let us explore together the Vitruvian Being in times of Quantum Evolution. Let us Grace our Places with the intention to provide what is needed to take the next steps with the support of a safe home and workplace.

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